JPDU Spring Tournament 2023 感想 Part 1
今回は、4月末に行われました、JPDU Spring Tournamentの感想報告Part 1を、UTDS2年のYuki Yamashitaさんにいただきました!自転車で全国を走り回るタイプのディベーターの春T感想文、是非お読みください🚲
感想 by Yuki Yamashitaさん
こんにちは、JPDU Spring Tournament(以下春T)にディベーターとして出場しました、<無職無役のタダ飯喰い>の山下雄起です。この度はUTDSからの出場者としての感想をここに綴らせて頂きます。詳しいMotion解説などはできませんので、悪しからず……
実の所、私は元々春Tに出るつもりは毛頭ありませんでした。と言うのも、二月の頭にAsian Bridgeに出場した時点で、私はディベートは暫くやらないで良い、と考えていました。色々と要因はあるのですが、何よりWUDCから試験期間を挟んでAsian Bridgeと今までに無い頻度でディベートをしていた事で、ディベートは十分楽しんだな、と言う充足感が生まれていたと思います。復帰はエリザベス杯かな、などと考えていたのですが……待ち切れませんでした。
R1:Gov (●)
A:<THS the gamification in the workplace>
Gamification in the workplace is the use of game techniques in a non-game context. Companies create internal competitions to engage employees and incorporate scores, levels, and prizes, as extra motivation.
B:<THO the rise of the "Rent a Girlfriend" industry>
In the "Rent a Girlfriend" industry, men are able to hire willing women to act as their girlfriends in return for an agreed upon amount of money. Depending on the agreement, the “girlfriend” may offer services to meet the client’s family and pretend to be in a serious relationship or to offer additional “physical services” to the client.
C:<THBT labour unions should primarily pursue legislative change as a means of achieving workers' rights, instead of directly negotiating with companies>
Cをvetoし、Aに決定。①”Rent a Girlfriend”がもたらすナラティブのPrinciple的な問題、②”Rent a Girlfriend”が風俗産業へのGatewayとなるという話の二本立てで攻めました。特に戦略を間違ったとは思いませんが、自分のケースの話に終始してしまったな、という感想です。特に、”Rent a Grilfriend” industryがどれだけユーザー(Girlfriends)を大事にするか、と言う話をindustryの形態を交えてもっとしっかりすべきだったな、と思います。結果的には、mechanismの厚さで敗北。
R2: Opp(○)
A:<THO the proliferation of the narrative "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”>
The narrative of "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" refers to the idea that by going through difficult experiences, people can build up their strength for the next, possibly more painful event that may occur.
B:<THR the dominant narrative of the "Defining Decade”>
The notion of the "Defining Decade" is one that proposes that your 20s are a crucial time period in one's life that defines the remainder of your life.
C:<THBT progressive activists in conservative societies should aggressively adopt conservative language/rhetoric in advocating for their agenda>
R3: Opp(○)
A:<When systematically important financial institutions are in need of financial assistance during recession, THP bail in to bail out>
Bail out occurs when outside investors, such as a government, rescue a borrower by injecting money to help make debt payments. Bail in occurs when the borrower's creditors are forced to bear some of the burden by having a portion of their debt written off.
B:<THBT the rise of micro-financing has more harm than good to the developing world>
Micro-financing is the business-like provision of financial services to the poor, offering loans or deposits far smaller than traditional banks. Micro-Financiers can be NGOs, private companies, or state-controlled financial institutions.
C:<THS the adoption of varying minimum wage laws>
Variable minimum wage laws apply different minimum wages for different groups (such as young or unskilled workers) or for different industries.
Aをvetoし、Cに決定。相手はかなり格上の方だったので、胸を借りるつもりで……と思いきや、ハプニング。なんと相手方がBをプレパしていたのです!PMが”Micro-financing is…”などと喋り出した瞬間は、肝が凍りつきました。慈悲深き運営から与えられたおまけプレパ時間は一分間でしたが、PMの方はしっかり7分間かけて論を立て切っていました。すごすぎる……試合内容としては、Govが労働組合と企業の力関係に関してコントラを起こしてしまい、そこに上手く乗ったOppが勝ちました。やはりプレパが無いと、スピーチはできてもディベートは難しいですね。
この試合で2勝。Rookie Breakが確実になった他、Open Breakも見えて来ました。
R4: Gov (●)
A:<THW allow prisoners to volunteer for socially utile but undesirable activities in exchange for a lighter sentence (e.g. experimental drug trials, military service, hard labor)>
B:<THBT after receiving professional and science-based medical advice, patients should have the right to undergo treatments that are contrary to that advice and have not received regulatory approval for that usage (for instance, Ivermectin for Covid-19)>
C:<THW allow parents to give the Politeness Pill to their children under the age of 18, regardless of the children's consent>
The Politeness Pill, when taken, temporarily permits only socially acceptable behavior, such as obedience, attendance at school, good manners, following the law, refraining from drugs and alcohol, etc.
1日目は2勝2敗。スピーカースコアはかなり渋かったですが、2位でRookie Break。
RGF: Opp(○)
A:<THR the decline of multi generational homes>
A multi generational home is a household that consists of multiple adult generations living under the same roof (e.g. adult parents living with their adult children or grandparents living with grandchildren).
B:<THS the aggressive government funding of social startups in developing countries>
A social startup is an approach by start-up entrepreneurs, in which they develop, fund, and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues. It combines commerce and social issues to improve the lives of people connected to the cause. For these startups, they don’t measure their success in terms of profit alone, success for social entrepreneurs also considers factors including sustainability, social missions, and social return on investment, etc.
C:<In the developing world, THR the forced rapid urbanization of local regions>
In the process of urbanization, states will seek rapid introduction of new infrastructure, housing, transportation and industries to underdeveloped regions, often through massive construction projects. Urbanization can drastically change the living environments of the local people.
良いディベートをしたとはあまり思えない大会でした。自分の技術や知識の足らなさが目立ち、改善点が多く見つかった二日間であったと思います。その一方で、対面大会でRookie枠とは言え初めてbreak、championを取れた事は素直に喜びたいと思います。また、普段は会えない他大(特に非関東圏)のディベーターとの交流も楽しめましたし、何よりディベート自体が楽しかったです。暫くディベートから離れていた分、「戻ってきたな」、そして「戻って来て良かったな」と言う感覚を強く覚える大会でした。今度はopen breakできるよう、精進していきたいと思います。